Current Month's Workshop

Samuel Doctorian, MS, ATC

Speaker Bio

Samuel Doctorian, MS, ATC is a Certified and Licensed Athletic Trainer (ATC) under the Board of Certification for ATCs. His education and training background is in Sports Medicine where he worked with athletes from high school to the collegiate levels. He then took these skills and transitioned them into the Industrial Setting to help those who work in sectors like factories, warehouses, construction, and other areas where manual labor is the focus. For the past four years he has been helping people of all ages with common musculoskeletal issues so that they can get back to work and doing what they love. His focus is more on the therapeutic side of things where he truly believes that “movement is medicine.” 

Workshop Info

Got Pain? We got your back (and shoulder and knee and your other joints!)

Recognizing Common Musculoskeletal Conditions and How you Can Treat 

“Sciatica,” “Slipped disc,” “Rotator cuff tear,” “Tendinitis,” “Knee sprain,” “Carpal tunnel,” “Tennis elbow,” “Plantar Fasciitis,” “Pinched nerve.” Do any of these terms sound familiar to you? Maybe you have experienced these first hand or know of someone who has gone through it. Maybe this is something you deal with everyday or intermittently. You may have been struggling to find the right help to treat some of your ailments or you have gone the Ibuprofen/Ice/Rest route to little success. Well, if that is the case, this workshop is for you! Join us for a free and interactive (emphasis on the active) one-hour workshop at Pasadena Armenian Church of the Nazarene as we’ll be diving into what some of these common conditions are, how to identify them. how you can self-treat them, and what kind of additional help to seek when it’s called for.

Disclaimer: Samuel is in no way diagnosing or assuring that these techniques and tips are fool-proof but that they can increase the chance of recovery and healing.